Open Doors List -
Pray before approaching the open door list. Ask God to show you things in each of these areas that have been an invitation for the enemy to be in your life. Go through the list several times over a period of several weeks. God will reveal things as you allow him to uncover them and usually this takes time and things will come to you as you remove the layers.
Prayers to close open doors -
After you have completed the Open Door List, take your time to go through the prayers. Don't worry that you may have forgotten something. As God shows them to you, take care of them.
- After you have gone through the open doors list and prayers for the last time, you may burn the list.
Strongholds List -
Pray before going over the list. Circle anything that God reveals to you. You don't need to worry about missing something. God will reveal it in His time. Deliverance is part of your journey to freedom. God will set you free and continue to set you free. Bring the list to your deliverance prayer session.
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