I've finally entered into a new season.....

I've finally entered into a new season.....Where have I been?
Well, I'm so glad you asked....
As long as I can remember, I've been an "all-or-nothing" type person. And I had always come to the conclusion that if I couldn't put my whole heart into anything, I wouldn't continue, or better yet, be consistent in something, I wouldn't do it at all. Even Jesus stated, "count the cost". Well, that being said, I have been working my 9-5, growing my business, and raising my kids, and taking care of the many details of life, I knew that I couldn't be consistent in podcasting/ministry. Though I have been faithful in my walk with God, and seeking Him daily, growing in His word, He knew when the season would be right for me to fully go forth in the call.
I believe the time is now! He has so graciously allowed me to work part-time and devote more time to attending kingdom business, and advance His kingdom, that now I am able to give my heart over fully to the things of God. These last few years, Father has not stopped downloading messages, words and poems, and I have been able to steward these, by keeping them close to my heart. I have taken time to write each one down in my prayer journal, as well as record voice memo’s, type up notes, put notes on my phone, scrap paper and more! Some of you know exactly what I’m talking about. Get it down at all costs, and sort the details out later!
Then the Lord answered me and said,
“Write down the vision
And inscribe it clearly on tablets,
So that one who reads it may run.
For the vision is yet for the appointed time;
It hurries toward the goal and it will not fail.
Though it delays, wait for it;
For it will certainly come, it will not delay long.
(Habakkuk 2: 2-3, NASB)

Because there’s so much to navigate, I’ve asked the Lord to show me how to share these words, and in what order. He’s shown me to start with the current words, and provide dates for when the previous words/poems were issued, and in what circumstance, if any. Some will be recorded in podcast or video format and some will not. They will take on written form, or simply be reserved for one of my poetry volumes one day. I pray God gives me the grace and fortitude to bring these things forth and that I wouldn’t fall victim to delay, distraction or over-analyzing, as I share these things with you. I have borne witness to so many words over the years that other ministers have shared, but it was just not my time to share along with them at the time. I’ve had so many, “The Lord just showed me that!!!!” moments, but then had to calm myself down and let God be God in the timing. LOL.
I’m so looking forward to all the Lord is doing in this next season, and anxious to see how He will use the body of Christ to bring about His agenda, not only this year, but this next era. Let me know in the comments below, if you have had similar reactions I have had. I think it's only normal as we grow up spiritually and walk with Him, don’t you think? ;)
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