Earnestly I seek you, desperately desiring You
Sitting at Your feet
Meet me at our place and find me!
I really don’t know what to say right now
But I’m glad I’m here
In Your presence I find joy and peace
Everlasting love
Longing for a touch
Ignite a fire in me that will not be quenched
A fire that can burn upon the altar continually and never be put out
Abba Father
You are mine and I am Yours
I rest my head upon Your chest
Listening closely to Your loving words
You are the Paraclete
The comforter
My guide and my truth
I’m hungry for You
I’m looking to fulfill the call
My destiny in You with complete obedience
Not partial
I am a drink offering to be poured out
A living sacrifice
I die daily
Blow upon my flame again
You said a dimly burning wick You would not extinguish
A smoking flax You would not quench
A bruised reed You would not break
Yet I am broken for You
A broken and contrite heart O’ Lord You would not despise
Remove the stones inside my heart and create in me a heart of flesh
Search it and know my thoughts
See if there be any wayward way
Is it malleable?
I am willing and available to You
Apt to be a vessel of honor
Polished off for good things
Fulfilling things after the counsel of Your own will
For who has resisted it?
Who can frustrate the plans of the Almighty?
You shall do all Your pleasure
Let me build up the old waste places
And raise up the foundations of many generations
Touch my mouth that I may speak for You
Even my lips with coals of fire
That I may “Cry loud and spare not” and show Your people their transgressions
And lead them to the Door
To the One who keeps the sheepfold
The everlasting Way
I seek You daily and there I shall find You
At Your feet like Mary
Choosing that good part
I have found myself in want
You are my Good Shepherd
I have found myself in a land experiencing a “Drought Season”
Even famine
And I long for You
I thirst for You
In a dry land where there is no water
Let me drink from The Well that never runs dry
A flowing fount of Living Water
The Well where I shall never thirst again!
Written June 5-8, 2020 ~ Poetry by Tiffany Parr ⓒ 2020
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