God's Long Memory: Poem

He opened my ears morning by morning
That I may sustain the weary one with a Word
The Books will be opened
God is not slack concerning His promises as some men count slackness.
You are not forgotten
Those who give a cup of water in My name 
You will in no way lose your reward
As Rahab hid the spies
She was not forgotten
Your tears are in a bottle
The hairs on your head are numbered
You are engraved on the palm of My hand & 
No man can pluck you out of My hand
As far as the east is from the west
So far has He removed your transgressions from you
Am I moved by your sin?
Has it caught Me by surprise?
Oh no, I foresaw this before the foundation of the world
My Son was slaughtered for you
Presenting that blood on the mercy seat
Through the scarlet thread of redemption
You are purged
You have been clothed with His righteousness
It is no longer your own
For your own is as filthy rags
A woman’s menstrual cloth
In the fullness of time, I will reward you
Stay faithful, as I am not slack!
My reward is with Me!
Do not say, “My master tarries”
Do not say, “I will take my ease and go into my pleasures” because He appears to linger
Take heed, that I do not spew you out of My mouth
Take heed, so I will not blot your name out of The Book
I will bring you
Out of the prison house
Out of the lion’s den
Off of the lap of Delilah
Out from under the juniper tree
Off the roof
Out of the cave of Adullam
Out of the wilderness
Off of the road to Damascus
Into your wealthy place
Into the abundant life
Years of no manifestation do not mean denial
Look in My Word, children
Did not Noah find grace?
Was not Hannah remembered?
You are a royal priesthood
A peculiar people
The apple of My eye
Sealed unto the day of redemption
Covered by the blood of Jesus
Adopted in the beloved
No longer orphans
Treasures await you in heaven.
Judgment by fire is coming upon this earth
The fashion of this present world is passing away
If you hold affection for the things of this world
The love of the Father is not in you.
The Books will be opened
The Book of Life
The Lamb’s Book of Life
The Book of remembrance
The Books will be opened!
Copyright 2023 by Tiffany Parr
Poem: God’s Long Memory

For we all are as a defiled thing and all our righteousness is like the patch of cloth of a menstruous woman. We all fall like leaves, and our sins have carried us off like a hurricane
Isaiah 64:6
Aramaic Bible in Plain English

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